Professional NFL Player:
Green Bay Packers (2006–2009)​
Washington Redskins (2015–2017)
Saskatchewan Roughriders (2018)
Gavin and Sazi have single handedly Saved my career.
During my 12 years in the NFL I have had 9 surgeries. I lost complete confidence in the way I move and thought my career was over. The reason I chose Sports Science Lab is because they gave me hope. Hope in that I can overcome my injuries and get back to being that elite athlete I have always been. Gavin completely revamped my entire training regiment. Gavin was never big on how famous someone was that came through the door, the only thing that mattered to him is that you the client have believe in yourself. After training since 2009, I learned that everyone is an athlete in one way or another. I have seen all walks of life, from a little 8 year old gymnast, to UFC champions, Navy Veterans, all the way to a mom or dad just coming by to get fit.
I chose Gavin because he has a heart and a soul.